Wednesday, September 10, 2008

One Year Ago Today...

One year ago today, Luke and I drove to the hospital at 6 something in the morning. I thought that my water had broken, but I wasn't sure. When we arrived at the hospital, I stepped out of the car, and I knew in no uncertain terms, that my water was in fact, breaking.
** Side note: I was really glad that I had curled my hair the day before. I even put on a little makeup on the way to the hospital!
One year ago today, Luke and I anxiously awaited becoming parents. I had been having sporadic contractions, but nothing consistent, so since my water had broken, they decided to put me on pitocin to speed things along. (Clearly, this picture was taken before I started to feel the effects of the aforementioned pitocin.)
One year ago today, Luke dressed himself in scrubs so that he might come into the operating room with me while the doctors delivered Zane by c-section. You see, after the pitocin kicked in, my contractions had become quite intense, and Zane was showing signs of distress. So, since I was only at a 3, the doctor decided that it would be best to do a c-section. I was so thankful when I saw Luke come in the room.
One year ago today, Zane Asher was born at 2:25pm. He was 7 lbs 1 oz and 21 inches long. His poor little face was so badly swollen. He had been trying to come out face first, with his neck bent back- no wonder he was showing signs of distress! The doctor told me later that even if they had waited and let me try for a normal delivery, I would have had to have a c-section any way due to the way he was presenting. I am so thankful that she made the call early on and spared me from hours of labor and pushing that would have ended up with the same result. One year ago today, Luke became a father.
One year ago today, I became a mother.
One year ago today, our family of two became a family of three. And our lives were forever changed.
Zane, we are so thankful that God blessed our lives with you one year ago today. We have so enjoyed this first year with you, it has gone by incredibly too fast. We love you so much and pray that God would give us wisdom and guidance as we raise you- that we would show you God's love. We are so proud of you. We love everything about you- your sweet personality, your contagious smile and laughter, your love of music and dancing, your incessant "talking"(we only wish we could understand what you were saying!), your curly hair, and your beautiful eyes. You have made our lives better and less focused on ourselves. I'm sure that God will continue to use you to mold us into the parents and individuals that He would have us to be. We love you, Zaners! Happy 1st Birthday!


Anonymous said...

Some of your best writing yet. Happy birthday to Zane and congratulations to you and Luke on a wondrous first year of parenthood.

By the way, are we sure we're really sisters? You actually put makeup on on the way to the hospital, while you were in labor in the pre-dawn hours?! There was probably nothing further from my mind.

Zoë said...

That was good writing.
Happy Birthday Zane Fitzwater we are so glad you are here.

Mandi Watts said...

Happy Birthday, Zane!! Hope it was extra-special!

Kelly said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY ZANE! It was great seeing you guys briefly @ Famous Dave's today. I was on the phone with Chelsea's mom. Too cool that Isabelle & Zane now have the same bday. ;) I hope ya'll had a great day together as a family! He's precious!

Tiffany said...

What a sweet post. And a sweet boy.

Jessica said...

SO sweet! Happy birthday, Zane!

Lori said...

Love you Zaners - and your mom and dad. Happy 1st B-day!

The Morgans said...

Simply beautiful and what a heartfelt post Rach! Happy Birthday Zane! We love you sweet boy, tell your parents to send your picture to the editors of Parenting Magazine - YOU ARE SO STINKY CUTE!!!!!

Christy said...

We love that Zane Asher. Such a blessing!!!

Allison said...

Now you have me crying!! Zane is blessed to have a mom as sweet as you who loves him so completely! Happy Birthday to a precious little boy!

KatieKate said...

Happy Birthday, Mister Zane! We love you over here in Michigan! And we praise God for blessing you with two loving parents.

Rach- our stories are similar (but different)... we'll have to chat over cokes sometime.

Angel said...

I can NOT believe it's been a YEAR!!!! How is that POSSIBLE????? WOW! Time really flies. Angel

Amanda said...

Hey Rach!

I can't believe it's been a year!!! Weird. Seems like yesterday that we were two pregnant ladies anticipating the big day. Love you!

Briggs said...

Love that sweet face!
So happy for your family of three! Isn't God good?
Happy Birthday little man. Hang on to your hat mom and dad, he's about to blow your minds with all the new things he'll do in year two!

Wendi F said...

Happy Birthday Zane! We love you and miss you. I am so glad we were able to visit so much in July! Love the story line Rachel - ahhh life with digital isn't it fabulous?

marie & men said...

Well, HELLO beautiful!!! I've never seen that before pic of you at the "hosible"(jeffries boys pronunciation of hospital). You look FABU!! Oh, I'm with you on the makeup thing, girl. These pics go down in the family history books (ie scrapbook). Oh, and I was crying by the time I got to "one year ago today our family of two became three."